As a television host, marketing consultant, and communications coach I wear many hats depending on the day. For example, today I will spend most of my time writing blogs and coaching a national company on how to share their story in a crowded market, tomorrow I will be interviewing Lindsey Vonn infront of hundreds of people to raise money for Goodwill, and Friday I will be waking up before the sun to host a LIVE national morning show.
All of these tasks are different, and that diversity is something I crave and need in life. Others prefer certainty and routine, neither approach is better, it's simply up to us to figure out what we like and try to create a life that fits within those preferences as much as possible.
Anyway, let's get back to the freaking headline and why you came to this post. How do you find YOUR gift and then create a life and career of meaning around it? I'll start with myself (1. Because I can speak from my own experiences the most accurately, and 2. because I'm a egotistical TV personality... let's be real ;) )
When I left my "stable" TV job to launch my own company nearly two years ago I had to really reflect on this question. What's the skill that I have that I can do in my sleep? (and hopefully monetize.) I can speak well in front of people, I can find the things that make people or brands interesting that they may overlook, I can clean up decent and emcee an event with highfalutin folks to get them to open their pocket books and support meaningful causes.
But was is the underlying connecting thread throughout all of these iterations? In my opinion, my gift is making others comfortable and making them feel seen. When I'm interviewing someone I'm in a true "flow state," that level of consciousness athletes talk about where time and distractions disappear and the only the current moment exists. When I interview someone I'm allowed to skip the small talk (my kryptonite) and go straight to what matters. I get to ask CEOs, celebrities, and strangers questions like "What's the one thing you want people to take away from your work?"
Here's the deal, we're all so busy in our day to day lives that we forget just how special we are. When I get to sit down with someone and ask them to reflect on the challenges they've overcome, the people they've impacted, and the lessons they've learned, it's a chance for them to take a moment to acknowledge their strength and uniqueness. This is my FAVORITE thing about my job.
Now, let's talk about my weaknesses... ORGANIZATION is not my thing. But I work with people who are incredible at keeping the train on the tracks, whether it's gifted editors who pay attention to every detail, field producers who book the hotel at the exact right spot after a long day of travel, or marketing professionals who can take my crazy ideas and bring them to life in a strategic and data driven way. These people have also found their gift, and created lives around it.
Maybe you absolutely are interested in what's going around in your world, that's a gift! Start a blog, a community newspaper, a newsletter for a company, your natural interest in others is a skill. Maybe you love to feed others, or you're the encourager in your friend group that people turn to when things are hard, these are gifts as well.
My challenge to you is to ask yourself, what's the thing I do that makes time disappear? What's the thing I do that puts me "in the zone?" Maybe you don't even have to make a career out of it, but you should acknowledge it and give yourself (and God) and pat on the back for brining it into the world.
Just a few thoughts on this lovely morning. Cheers to all the gifts our there, we need every single one! xx