You know what I'm interested in...?
People who live lives of passion, who love what they do, who they are, where they've been, and where they're going.
I'm invested in people who are have the courage to make MAJOR changes and pursue their dreams, especially if those dreams are different than the ones that floated in their heads 20 years before.
Jeremiah Maldona is an example of one such person. He is well known in Dallas' food and hospitality industry, working at some of the most popular spots and developing a reputation as every guests' favorite because he makes each person FEEL special.
But as Jerimiah climbed the ranks his priorities began to shift and a love blossomed inside his soul. Jeremiah fell in love with floral design and started to follow that curiosity one step at a time.
Now here is where bravery steps in. Jeremiah recently decided to leave the safety of the hospitality industry where he is a certified rockstar, and launch his own business "Jeremiah Maldona Floral Designs."
His creations are similar to his work at Dallas' top restaurants, because he makes each client feel seen and special. Every bouquet is custom made for the person receiving it.
Jeremiah took a risk and is betting on himself. He will never look back and think "what could have been..." because he's trying it.
If you have a seed of passion in your heart, I suggest you plant it and water it. You don't have to quit your job or move across the world, you can start exploring that dream right where you are.
Let me know if you have a dream that's waiting to become a reality. Maybe we can all get together for a floral arranging class with Jeremiah and talk about creating the life you want.